Optimising Strategies for Integrating People with Disabilities into Work

German EU Presidency 2007

2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All

Diversity at work


Glossary of Terms

Negative and Unsupportive Attitudes of Friends and Acquaintances:
Negative general or specific opinions and beliefs of friends and acquaintances about the person or about other matters (e.g. social, political and economic issues) that influences individual behaviour and actions. 

Attitudes of Employers Towards People with Disabilities:
General or specific opinions and beliefs of employers about people with disabilities that influence their behaviour and actions.

Attitudes of Professionals:
General or specific opinions and beliefs of professionals about the person or about other matters (e.g. social, political or economic issues) that influence individual behaviour and actions. 

Mainstream Employment Services:
Main current of thought or behaviour, the ideas, actions and values that are most widely accepted by a group or society. 

Availability or Affordability of Childcare Services:
Having at the disposal of or being able to pay for services to look after children and/or babies.

An umbrella term for body functions, body structures, activities and participation.  It denotes the positive aspects of the interaction between an individual (with a health condition) and that individual’s contextual factors (environmental and personal factors). 

Intellectual Functioning:
General mental functioning required understanding and constructively integrating the various mental functions, including all cognitive functions and their development over the life span. 

Physical or Sensory Functioning:
Involves functions of the senses, seeing, hearing, and tasting and so on as well as the sensation of pain. 

Emotional Functioning:
Specific mental functioning related to the feeling and affective components of the processes of the mind. 

Moving by changing body position or location or by transferring from one place to another, by carrying, moving or manipulating objects, by walking, running or climbing, and by using various forms of transportation. 

Ability to Handle Interpersonal Relationships:
Being able to carry out the actions and tasks required for basic and complex interactions with people (strangers, friends, relatives, family members and lovers) in a contextually and socially appropriate manner.

Progressive Condition:
A condition that is advancing, going forward, going from bad to worse, increasing in scope or severity.

Persistent or Episodic Condition:
A condition continuing despite problems, tenaciously or obstinately continuing despite problems or difficulties, continuing to exist in spite of interference or treatment, tending to recur. 

Stable Condition:
Not changing or fluctuating, firmly established. 

Corporate Social Responsibility:
Refers to CSR policies or programmes of the organisation that have an element, which promotes the employment of people with disabilities.

Diversity and Equal OpportunitiesPolicy:
Refers to diversity and equal opportunities policies that may make explicit reference to the employment of people with disabilities.

Disability Policy:
Refers to any specific disability related policies or programmes that the organisation may have in place.

Health & Safety Policy:
Refers to specific provisions of health and safety policy regarding people with disabilities. 

Occupational Health Team/Service:
Refers to specific provisions and activities of occupational health practice regarding people with disabilities.

Flexible Employment Models:
Refers to making alternative employment arrangements available to people with disabilities e.g. part time working, tele-working, temporary working.

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