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German EU Presidency 2007

2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All

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Green Paper - Equality and Non-Discrimination in an Enlarged European Union

By The Commisson of the European Communities

Five years ago, huge impetus was given to the fight against discrimination in the EU (European Union) when new powers were granted to tackle discrimination on grounds of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, age, disability and sexual orientation.

This Green Paper sets out the European Commission's analysis of the progress that has been made so far. It seeks views about how the EU can continue and reinforce its efforts to combat discrimination and to promote equal treatment. In so doing, it responds to calls from the European Parliament and others to organise a public consultation on the future development of policy in this area.

This Green Paper takes stock of what the EU has done during the last five years to combat discrimination and to promote equal treatment. It looks at how these initiatives relate to other policy developments at European and international levels. It examines new challenges that have emerged in recent years, including those linked to the enlargement of the EU. It assesses the implications of this changing context for policy development in the field of non-discrimination and equal treatment.

Responses to this Green Paper will be collected principally using an on-line questionnaire. The public consultation period begins on 1 June 2004 and ends on 31 August 2004.

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